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Samadhi has travelled to many parts of the world, often drawn to the Middle East where she undertook a variety of secretarial posts, primarily in hospitals.  Landing in Victoria in 2000 she did a ‘tour of duty’ within provincial government, followed by the C.R.D.


The oppression of women that Samadhi observed during her time in the Middle East resonated with shadows from her past and initiated her journey through the dark night of the soul to the opening of her heart - both spiritually and physically!


This led Samadhi to seek answers to her past and find a new life direction and purpose.  She has spent the last decade exploring, learning and awakening to her soul purpose with the help of many spiritual guides and gurus, discovering and growing her passion and purpose, becoming a Certified Passion Test facilitator along the way.


Samadhi has drawn together all that she has learned and created her own 

transformational workshop, centred on helping others to find their Passion & Purpose.





“Samadhi’s observations and comments showed me her awareness and intuition which never made me feel uncomfortable because she checked in with me on how deep I wanted to work through my situation and create my passions.  Samadhi helped me let go of my confusions around my problem, helping me how to think of it as a gift and to remember this was a moment 

and even if I was on the dark side for a time, all I had to do was flip the coin to the light side.  I felt peace and calm more and more.”

-----  Samantha from Toronto

About Samadhi Whitehouse

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